Test or learn

今天跟 PM 讨论问题时突然回忆起一件高中往事。


有一次地理测试,监考到最后 10 分钟,他在班里走了几圈,大家卷子上多少都有一些没记住或者不会的空白。然后他突然宣布,让所有人把地理课本从书桌里拿出来,打开看。但是有要求,看的时候绝不能动笔;看完必须把书合上收起来,才能继续写。



又想起 《3 idiots》中的一段,随手抄一下台词:

When I asked this question, were you excited? Curious? No.
Thrilled that you’d learn something new? No.
You all got into a frantic race.
What’s the use of such methods, even if you come first.
Will your knowledge increase? No, just the pressure.
Even a circus lion learns to sit on a chair in fear of the whip.
But you call such a lion “well trained”, not “well educated”.

F. Shen
F. Shen
Algorithm Engineer

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