
Migrate to blogdown

Finally I have migrated both of my personal and technical blogs from jekyll to blogdown. This will be the first step of my plan to re-organizing my whole writing system.1 There are already many comprehensive articles on how to set up a blogdown site, so I don’t plan to draft an extra step by step tutorial. This post just records the main steps I’ve done in my blog migration, along with some other thoughts during this procedure.


R 语言处理数据的一大优势就是它自身有非常多方便的函数可以对 data.frame 进行各种变换。 这其中 Hadley 的 plyr 包可谓一大神器。很多时候一个 ddply 函数

Ubuntu 12.04 升级手记

我之前一直用的是ubuntu 10.04的长期支持版本,前段时间更新管理器提示可以升级到12.04的下一个LTS。虽然想到